How can you determine if your company needs technology and cybersecurity experts like us?

Questions you should able to answer YES to!

  • Do you know your business cyber vulnerability score?
  • Is Multi factor authentication used across the business? Like for Microsoft 365 and all business accounts.
  • Do you have cyber insurance?  Are you aware of the cyber insurance minimum cyber standards requirements in order to be paid out in the event of a breach?
  • Do you have cybersecurity policies and procedures in place?
  • Do you understand the value of having cybersecurity awareness in your business.
  • Do you have the ability to restore deleted data in the event of a breach or accidental deletion.
  • Are your cloud services like Microsoft 365 being backed up?
  • Do you understand what a shared responsibility model is?
  • Do you have a password manager implemented across the business that enforces your password policies.
  • Have you calculated the true cost to the business of system downtime?
  • Do employees know how to react to a spear phishing email / fake email “FROM” internal members for funds transfers. Do you have a policy in place to handle any changes to funds and “emergency funds transfers?
  • Is your current technology truly elastic. ie: does it expand and contract with your business headcount.
  • Do you know if any of your business accounts have been leaked on the Dark Web?
  • Do you have a password manager implemented across the business that enforces your password policies.

  • Do you know if any of your business accounts have been leaked on the Dark Web?
Compliance Managed IT Cyber Security Denver
  • Is multi-factor authentication implemented throughout the business, including for Microsoft 365 and all business accounts?

Schedule a call with us today!

Fortifying Cybersecurity Solutions for Denver’s Law Firms: Your Trusted IT Managed Services Provider